Have you ever been robbed? The odds are increasing that you will.

January 9, 2012 

By: Mack Langston, Multi-Family Sales

Cybercrime is a very real danger and everyone, including the commercial real estate industry, is faced with it on a daily basis. 

On Thursday, January 5th 2012, at the 2012 Economic Trend event sponsored by the San Diego Business Journal, the representatives on the panel covered everything from health insurance to taxation. What stood out the most at this event was the topic of cybercrime which was presented to help raise awareness. 

Dan Clark, VP of Marketing for ESET, stated that there were $37,000,000,000 in losses in the US in 2010 alone. That threat continues to grow today.  Mr. Clark urged everyone to invest in a good anti-spam and anti-virus program for their computers.  It is also wise to continually educate and remind company staff members of the need to be vigilant in avoiding phishing schemes. These web based schemes are getting more advanced and sophisticated in contrast to the clumsily prepared spams of the past. 

In commercial real estate, we are all aware of how files and personal information can get put into the wrong hands. To avoid this threat to your company and to protect your clients, be mindful that cybercrime is a very real and growing threat, and to take all necessary steps to ensure corporate security.


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